Introducing the LHS
Class of 1967
It all started in the year 1949; that is when most of the baby boomers from the Class of 1967 were born. In 1954 they all started kindergarten in various schools around the city of Lackawanna which is located just south of Buffalo, New York. At that time there were at least 10 or 12 grammar schools around the city and almost everybody had a Dad that worked in the steel mills. Lackawanna was different then. It was a flourishing city with a lot of people. Well, anyway these baby boomers made friends in these grammar schools; good friends, that they still have now.
Then it was on to Junior High School. That is what they were called in our
day. There was Lincoln Junior and Ridge Junior. Now the class got a little more intimate. New friends were made and old friends were kept. Kids from the other junior highs were met at dances or all city chorus. You might have run into someone from these schools at the theater (Lackawanna had 3 theaters at that time) or maybe at the roller rink (Skatehaven). Now that was a hopping place especially when they held dances on the weekend.
After our freshman year, life changed as we knew it. We all went to Lackawanna High School and that's really where the class of 1967 got its start. With a class size of around 360 there were plenty of friends to make and everyone did. This is when the kids from back the Bridge, Bethlehem park and all the other wards began to meet and make new friends. We even have some classmates who got to make a choice to go to good old LHS, Orchard Park or West Seneca. There were quite a few who picked LHS and that was our claim to fame.
High school, boy oh boy, this is when we all changed. Meeting one another on summer nights in places like one of 3 drive-in movie theaters that were in our immediate area. Sometimes that's how you found out who was going out with who. You could drink at 18 at that time, so I would say most of the guys waited till they were at least 15.
Thus, many met at bars like Mazurs, the Park Grill and Poppa Joe's or the Astralite. Many a night was spent drinking, dancing and having a good time at these places. Let us not forget all the dances at Father Bakers on the weekend. We had the proms, the picnics, the Halloween party and numerous championship sport teams and we were united as a group.
After graduation in 1967 everyone went on to work or college. Many either stayed in Lackawanna or moved away. But we did not forget the many friends we had made during our childhoods. Our first reunion (10th year) was held in 1977 and people came from all over the country to attend and we partied. One thing this class knows how to do is party. There were 225 people who attended.
Our next reunion was held in 1987 (20th year), 331 people attended this reunion. An unbelievable number of people who attended. In 1987 there was a 40th birthday party at Billy Eagan's bar and about 65 people attended this. Oh that class of 1967. Since everyone seemed to respond so positively to these reunions it was decided that we had to meet every 5 years for sure and we did. In 1992 we had our 25th and again our classmates came from all over the country. People came from 22 states and 250 people attended that reunion. In 1997 we again got together for the 30th reunion. We had discovered that we had lost a few friends and that was sad but 225 of the Class of 1967 attended and partied till the wee hours again. There was a lot of Motown and the El Tempo's music to dance to and boy could we dance.
So in 1999 the Class of 1967 turned 50 years old. So what do you think we decided to do? You got it! PARTY!!! We had a 50th birthday party at Emery Park and 75 people came to this. There were people from 10 states who even showed up for this. The food was there, the drinks, horseshoes and good old laughing and story telling. Then during the next 2 years we got bad news. We had lost 10 more of our classmates bringing our total to 27. So what do you think we decided to do, yep-that's right another reunion. We just don't know when one of our friends will no longer be with us. So we had 150 classmates party once more at our 35th in September of 2002. We are a unique group. Our group was smaller this time for the reunion but I am looking forward to our 40th.
We are probably the closest knit group that ever came out of LHS. Many people from other classes want to join our group for our reunions but the Class of 1967 stands alone. We will celebrate, laugh and cry, dance and joke together till there are only a few of us left. We should be proud of the Lackawanna High School Class of 1967. United we stand! Here's to the class of 1967 and all the joy we feel in our hearts when this unique group from Lackawanna gets together and celebrates. We, for one night grow hair over our bald spots, have no gray hair, lose the excess weight, and have no wrinkles because on the night of the reunion our eyes see our classmates the way they were in 1967. We were good friends and we will remain good friends forever.
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site created by Al Caruso